Nov 25, 2007

I pledge my Alegience to the Illuminati?

We will start of this pictorial with the earliest known paintings of George Washington. Notice the right Hand Inside the coat. Washington later confessed that to deny the masonic power in america would be foolish. But later resigning from masonry

Next we ill Join with Napoleon Bonaparte Posing with the same Hand Inside the Coat, and some other symbology Around him.

Now we Join with the Socialist Mastermind Karl Marx in the Exact same Pose as the prior two

And last But not least, we see a Poster of Joseph Stalin From my research this is most likely the '' hidden hand '' a masonic sign. As all of them were known freemasons .

Oct 4, 2007

Anti FreeMason Party

William Wirt Formed the Anti Masonic Party In 1826
After the Disappearance of William Morgan. Morgan
Wrote The Book Title: The Mysteries of Free Masonry
Containing All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master's Lodge

Sep 16, 2007

Sep 14, 2007

Lisa simpson 911 warning ? this simpsons episode was made sept of 97 this being the 1st episode in the 9th series , .... yet more pre 911 warnings but by whom ? ,.... check out my link to fight club 911 symbology

Sep 1, 2007

Apollo Pyrimadical Star

Mason Mapping System

Thought i would clean up My original work : seen below : Pyramid Lucifarian Star ?


Posing In front of the Glowing Pyramid (ARM STRONG)

Say hello to the All seeing Eye of {Horus} Dollar Dollar Bills YALL.

:FREE?MASON> Cerimonial Apron ...

Some Say this is one of the Objectives.

Stay tuned In For Updated Info. Wolf

Aug 23, 2007

Aug 20, 2007

North American Union

The State Of The North American Union
These communists CFR world socialists will not stop
until the United states is gone.

Aug 18, 2007

11 symbology and numerology 9-11

Here we see a shot from Jules Naudets Film Sometime before 911.. Notice the 3865 On the rookies helmet 3+8=11 6+5=11 . check out The link, to '' naudet film staged''


Apr 19, 2007


Dipole Might (DM)
The Dipole Might (DM) project, initiated in 1990, provided for the first comprehensive, scientific analysis of large scale (50 - 5,000 pounds) vehicle bombs

Apr 16, 2007

Here We Go Again

33 dead at Virginia Tech university

Apr 10, 2007

Mar 27, 2007

America First

Charles Lindbergh Sept 11 1941

'' We cannot allow the natural passions and prejudices of other peoples to lead our country to destruction ''

Mar 25, 2007

Freemasonry Through out History

"I declare and I challenge all mankind to contradict my declaration, that no man can give any account of the order of Freemasonry, of it's origin, of it's history, of it's object, nor any explanation of it's mysteries and symbols, which does not leave the mind in total uncertainty on all these points. Every man is entitled therefore, to give any explanation of the symbols and a system of the doctrine that he can render palatable'' Adam Weishaupt

K-11 K-11 K-11 = 33 Albert Pike

Mar 22, 2007

Together Forever

The passing of the Illuminated Torch

The futures so bright i gotta wear shades
Notice Hillary Making the
Pyramid Signal With her Hands
And it just so happens Leo DiCaprio
Is a Freemason.................

'' We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society'' Hillary Clinton

911 numerology

Flight 11 with 92 passengers crashes into tower two

Flight 175 strikes tower 1 at 9:02:56 with 2 pilots, 7 flight attendants and 56 passengers on board.

Here we see the plane impacts at exactly 9:02 and 56 seconds, creating 2 more elevens, we have 2pilots and 7 flight attendants making a 9 , with 56

Ok, its been a while since i updated this section ,

Found some New Numerology concerning 911 .

Searching YouTube I found this video

Showing what appears to be a tremor before the collapse of tower 1.. and According to the Time stamp.. the building starts to collapse at Exactly

10:28:27 1+2+8= 11 2+7= 9 or 10 10 9 ...

Mar 19, 2007

'' Why Apollo? Why the Sun? Why the dawn? Get a clue. Go to the Rotunda of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., stand in the exact middle of the Rotunda and look straight up. Covering the inside of the dome for all to see is a the painting entitled "The Apotheosis of George Washington". The huge painting depicts George Washington transformed as Satan promised into a new "Sun god" (Apollo) in the chariot of Apollo being pulled by four horses across the heavens. The painting is surrounded by all the old pagan "gods" of the old Roman Empire.'' ............. WILLIAM COOPER

Here i seen that 11 14 15 and 16 made the pyramid , then i started on Apollo 11 , 12 , {13 never making the landing } then 14 - then 15 and 16, And we have the 5 pointed star in graphed into the pyramid.